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Intelligent User Management (IUM). Protecting your Atlassian I.T. budget

Intelligent User Management (IUM). Protecting your Atlassian I.T. budget

What is Intelligent User Management (IUM)?

In summary, IUM is an optimisation and cost-saving licence add-on tool that is available for Jira, Confluence and Bitbucket.

It allows you to operate your user Atlassian base on a per concurrent user model, rather than the traditional per named or registered user model.

IUM works by assigning licenses to active users, while un-assigning licenses from inactive users in real-time. IUM manages only those occasional users of Jira. Power users and administrators are excluded from its management. Therefore, those who do not 'live' inside Jira during a full-time working day are placed into what we call 'enabled' and 'disabled' user buckets. This automated process works seamlessly in the background, unnoticed by users.

IUM does not need to communicate outside of Jira to operate nor does it capture or store any data outside of your Jira, JSM, Confluence or Bitbucket instances.


How can IUM save you money?

By licensing your user base on a concurrent license model, you only need to pay for the maximum amount of active users accessing your Jira, JSM, Confluence or Bitbucket instance, resulting in many cases in a potential license tier downgrade, which can also be achieved on all 3rd party apps in use! We initially work with our clients to help install and run our 'Log Analyser' tool to capture data around login information on user sessions. We then use this data to show the peak number of active user sessions and at what period of the day they occur over a given period.

Below is a report produced from a 2,000 user Jira instance on a server deployment. The end-user was approaching their registered user license limit and needed to upgrade to the next user tier - a huge jump to 10,000 users. IUM enabled them to downgrade their license to 500 users, along with all their 3rd party apps - saving them over £100,000.


IUM is approved by Atlassian in the Marketplace and an IUM demo takes under 45 minutes to perform. The deployment of our IUM addon could reduce your license costs by half!

Complete the form below to contact Accxia and find out how much money IUM really can save your business.


Accxia's IUM-Partnerprogramm - Hohe Margen - Schützt das Lizenzbudget Eurer Kunden

2 min read

Accxia's IUM-Partnerprogramm - Hohe Margen - Schützt das Lizenzbudget Eurer Kunden


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